Friday, May 13, 2011

Post One

     Greetings, friends!  I am writing you now on April 23, A.D. 67 during my freetime in my jail cell.  Life can become quite boring here, so I am going to start telling you about major events (to me) in my life up to this point.

     Today I will begin by telling you about witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in A.D. 29.  When this history-changing crucifixion occurred, I was only nine years old.  My parents, devout Jews, and I were in Rome one day when we saw a procession of soldiers in the streets.  We headed towards the soldiers to see what was going on, and we saw a poor, beaten man carrying a cross.  As we watched, we saw the soldiers force a Jew from the crowd to carry the cross of the man, for the man was too weak to carry the cross any farther.  The procession moved on, and we changed our route so we could follow and watch the happenings.  The soldiers led the man to Golgotha, or the place of the skull, where he was to be crucified.  When we got there, my parents and I asked a man who this criminal was and what was going on. The man replied that this prisoner was Jesus of Nazareth, who was known by many Jews to be the promised Savior.  He then told us about the many miracles and stories of Jesus, from the rising of Jesus’ friend Lazarus from the dead to the parable about the sewer and the seeds.  After hearing about all these things I was amazed.  I asked them man why this Jesus was being crucified, and he replied that he had been arrested by some Jewish leaders who felt threatened by his teachings and accused him of blasphemy.  He then later was sentenced to death unwillingly by Pontius Pilate for claiming to be a king, that is, King of the Jews.

     After hearing all this from this stranger, I focused my attention on the scene before me.  While I had been talking, Jesus had been hung up on the cross, which bore a sign which said: This is Jesus, King of the Jews.  I waited there for a bit, but at about the sixth hour, a mysterious darkness came over the land.  This darkness lasted for about three hours, and soon after, Jesus died.
     I never saw Jesus again with my own eyes after that day, but I heard from many believers that he rose from the dead three days later, was seen for forty days by many people, and then ascended into heaven to wait for those who believe.  After hearing this, I accepted Jesus, the Christ, into my heart, which is why I am here today.
     That is enough for today, my fellow Romans!  I will post again soon!  Vale!


  1. Friend Request: We are both Christians brought up in Christian families. I admire how strong your faith is and pray for you and your release.

  2. Greetings to you my friend. I hope that you are doing the best you can in prison and pray that God gives you strength during these hard time. It is hard for us to go and meet with other Christian families since the persecution together but we still gather on the first day of the week with those we can. The family that lives in the insula above us is Christian so thankfully we have people to talk to.

    Nero is searching for those who oppose him and support Christianity and executing them. There has not yet been anything yet where we live, or at least I have not seen anything yet. I will keep you updated on things going on in Rome the best I can.

    Citation: 14 May 2011

  3. I am not sad to say that this is a great day for me. My trend of persecuting Christians seems to be coming along very nicely. Goodbye, and I will not, under any circumstances, forgive you Christians for burning my place of entertainment. May the gods have their wrath on you...

    Baker, Charles F., Baker, Rosalie F. Ancient Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.

    This source has a description of Nero's younger life. (p. 167-170) Secondary Source

  4. Ha! How can the "gods" have their wrath on me if the gods don't even exist! You can hate me all you want, but, though I may be angry, I will never hate you. God created you, and you have served whatever purpose he has planned for you. God loves you, and therefore I love you too. It is the things you do that God does not love.

  5. What an intresting religion you have, Veturia! I have heard of Jesus but I had never heard his story before....thanks for sharing it! I know we are very different in our beliefs, but I hope we could sometime talk more about it!

  6. I would like that, Fabia! Ask what you want, and I will reply to you to the best of my ability. My question for you is:
    Why did you want to become a Vestal Virgin?
